The team at Advanced Women’s Healthcare use the innovative da Vinci® surgical system to perform minimally invasive surgery. The system combines your doctor’s surgical skill with the exceptional precision of the robotic arms, which are completely controlled by your doctor.
The robotic system never replaces human care. When you have robotic surgery, you have a full surgical team in attendance, including assisting surgeons, anesthesiologists, nurses, and surgery technicians.
The next step depends on the grade of your cervical cells. If the cells are slightly abnormal but the cause is undetermined, your Advanced Women’s Healthcare doctor may recommend getting an HPV test, or waiting a few months then repeating your Pap smear. By waiting a short time, your body may finish clearing away the abnormal cells, and your next Pap may be normal.
When your first Pap test results are moderate to severe, or when a follow-up Pap smear shows that mild changes haven’t improved, your doctor performs a colposcopy, which is a close-up visual examination of your cervix using magnification. During the colposcopy, your doctor can see abnormal growth and take a biopsy for a more in-depth evaluation of the tissues.
The robotic arms are smaller than a human hand, so they can perform surgery in tight areas in your body with minimal trauma to the surrounding tissues. Additionally, the da Vinci system features advanced technology that improves the procedure, such as:
EndoWrist™ instruments
The robotic arms are built with EndoWrist instruments that enable fine movement and a range of motion that’s much better than human hands. With these precise robotic features, your doctor’s hand movements are essentially translated into tiny surgical instruments at the end of the robotic arms.
Superior visualization
The system provides high-definition and zoom capability that provides a better view inside your body than your doctor has with other imaging devices. To learn whether da Vinci robotic surgery is an option for your gynecologic surgery, call Advanced Women’s Healthcare.